Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Professor Lynne Boddy features on the BBC World Service "Forum"

23 Ebrill 2013

Fungi and the fight for resources

Biosciences director awarded prestigious lectureship

4 Ebrill 2013

Award marks a rare breaking of the American mould.

University’s animal crime fighter launches new BBC series

2 Ebrill 2013

Dr Rhys Jones of the School of Biosciences tackles animal crime head-on in ‘Rhys Jones’ Wildlife Patrol’.

£1M Marie Curie Fellowships boost Cardiff’s research profile

2 Ebrill 2013

Five international Fellows arrive in Cardiff University to bolster Wales’s knowledge base.

The bird that soared above the rest

25 Mawrth 2013

Genomes reveal a rapid evolutionary change in falcons’ rise to becoming the ultimate predators.

What’s the Big Idea?

22 Mawrth 2013

Celebrating ideas and curiosity for National Science and Engineering Week.

University school named after Wales’s Nobel Prize winner

6 Mawrth 2013

£4million extension to School of Biosciences opened for students.

Celebration Week for the School of Biosciences

25 Chwefror 2013

Celebration Week for the School of Biosciences

Are chemicals damaging the health of male otters?

25 Chwefror 2013

Hormone disrupting chemicals linked to problems in reproductive health of male otters.

Student adventurer launches ‘Biggest and Baddest’ series

18 Chwefror 2013

School of Biosciences’ resident adventurer goes in search of world’s largest creatures.