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Pre-registration pharmacy technician and employer/educational supervisor experience of the new IET programme

From 2020-2022, CUREMeDE led the evaluation of the multisector pre-registration pharmacy technician programme that was piloted in Wales.

This pilot trialled two models for how trainees rotated across the three pharmacy sectors and yielded findings to inform the future of the programme, such as the extent to which the programme meets the NVQ competency requirements and the importance for dedicated support staff.

Since then, the competency and knowledge-based course has changed for cohorts starting in 2022. The next phase of study will therefore evaluate how the work-based component aligns with this new course, and how the programme prepares trainees for practice. This study will evaluate the new pharmacy technician training programme over four cohorts starting in February and September 2022, and February and September 2023.

This new phase of the evaluation builds on and extends this earlier work.

Lead contactSophie Bartlett
FunderHealth Education and Improvement Wales Pharmacy