Problem-based small group learning

Health Education and Improvement Wales (Pharmacy) have launched a problem-based small group learning initiative in Wales, working in conjunction with NHS Education for Scotland.
The initiative is designed to bring together small, inter-professional groups of healthcare professionals working in primary care (GPs, nurses and practice-based pharmacists). These small groups (of about five to 12 participants) come together to discuss patient problems and related evidence.
Problem-based small group learning (PBSGL) has been in operation in Scotland for some time and now involves about 3,000 GPs, nurses and pharmacists. In this pilot initiative in Wales, the intention is to set up a number of groups across Wales, in both urban and rural locations.
The purpose of the study is two-fold:
- evaluate the PBSGL initiative, identifying strengths and areas for development
- compare findings with the published evaluation of the PBSGL in Scotland (Cunningham DE, Ferguson J, Wakeling J, Zlotos L, Power A (2016) GP and pharmacists inter-professional learning – a grounded theory study. Education for Primary Care 27(3) 188-195).
The specific objectives are to:
- identify participants’ motives for taking part in the initiative.
- obtain information on specific aspects of the initiative (including the focus of PBSGL meetings, support materials and facilitator training) and participants’ views.
- explore participants’ views on their experience of inter-professional learning, relationships and team-working, and group identity.
- report participants’ perceptions of any changes to their work that arises as a result of the PBSGL.
- describe participants’ needs for future PBSGL.
- draw comparisons with NHS Education Scotland's experience of PBSLG.
Lead contact | Alison Bullock |
Funder | Health Education and Improvement Wales Pharmacy (HEIW Pharmacy) |