- Research
- Clinical pharmacy placements for undergraduate pharmacists
- Pre-registration pharmacy technician
- Protected time pilot (phase 2)
- Revised model of delivery
Past research
- The All-Wales Case-based discussion initiative in Optometry: An evaluation
- Development of the Maturity Matrix Dentistry: A practice-development tool for general dental teams
- Dental Nurses views on CPD in Wales
- Harmonization and standardization of European dental schools' programs of continuing Professional development for graduate dentists
- Skill-mix in Dentistry in Wales
- Foundation Doctors Use of Mobile Technology in the Workplace - Phase 2: 2009 - 2011
- An Evaluation of the Foundation Training Scheme for Dental Therapists
Knowledge Transfer and Mobilisation: the Wales scoping study
- Knowledge and Innovation Transfer
- Enhancing skill-mix in community pharmacies: understanding barriers and proposing solutions
- Wales Clinical Leadership Fellowship Programme evaluation
- iDent: Evaluation of Medhand mobile libraries app
- iDoc Project Evaluation
- Optimising skill mix in dentistry: dental therapists, direct access and the future
- A longitudinal study of the WCLT Fellowship Programme
- Named Clinical Supervisors
- Antimicrobial Prescribing
- MedTRiM: An evaluation of a training programme to enhance doctors’ resilience
- Views on Cardiff University e-resources
- Trainee perceptions of the value of clinical placements
- Quality Improvement Skills Training
- KIT Study
- Helping GP practice-based pharmacists to implement their improvement skills
- Continuing Professional Development learning needs of attenders and non-attenders
- Educational Supervision Agreement Evaluation Project (EdSA)
- Developing the medical education credential
- Healthcare Professions Educators
- Evaluation of WCLT Fellowship 4th Cohort
- Evaluation of moving to a Virtual ARCP system
- Broad-Based Training (BBT)
- Multi-professional collaborative programmes
- An Evaluation of the e-portfolio pilot for pre-registration pharmacists in Wales
- Problem-based small group learning
- Professionalism in dentistry and preparedness for practice
- Dental Core Trainees
- Advanced practice framework for pharmacy technicians
- Broad based training
- Pharmacy foundation programme
- Multi-sector pre-registration pharmacy technician training in Wales
- Pharmacy Workforce Planning
- Integration of pharmacists
- well rounded pharmacists
- Shared Values Study
- Wales Model of GP Training
- Transition to primary care
- Evaluation of models of support for community pharmacy registrants’ development
- Integrated pre-reg pharmacy training
- Out of Programme Pause Initiative
- Longitudinal Integrated Foundation Training
- Learning programmes for dentists - a pilot study
Knowledge Transfer and Mobilisation: the Wales scoping study
The main purpose of this scoping study is to find out how findings from research are currently used to inform and improve healthcare practice in Wales in order to inform future knowledge transfer and exchange initiatives.
Lead contact | Alison Bullock |
Funder | Aneurin Bevan and Cwm Taf University Health Boards |
Start date | 1 January 2013 |