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Healthcare Professions Educators: development of a consensus statement on shared values and areas of educational activity

While each profession has its own distinctive body of clinical knowledge and expertise, in educational terms there is much that all professions can share, and many areas in which they can learn from each other but this is not well documented.

The purpose of this academic project is to identify and affirm the essential values and principles that are shared by educators of healthcare professionals alongside recognising shared areas of educational activity.

In the first part of this work, undertaken at Cardiff University and part funded by Health Education England, we have evaluated documents (guidance, standards, values statements and curricula for healthcare professions educators) to assess the extent of core shared values and activities across professional groups. We have also used a short survey to find out about current standards used to appraise or evaluate those who teach and/or regulate the learning of health and social care professionals.

In the next phase we are gathering a diverse group of people who have expertise or leadership in the area. The discussion will take the form of a nominal group. This technique is a consensus method used to seek agreement. During a facilitated meeting, participants will identify, discuss and rank possible values and areas of educational activity shared by healthcare educators. This process will take place during a one-day face-to-face meeting.

Phase 3 will involve at least two rounds of a Delphi process to establish key areas of consensus among the professions, followed by analysis, write up and reporting.

The final results will be disseminated at a UK wide meeting.

Lead contactAlison Bullock
FunderHEE & Wales Deanery
Start dateMarch 2018