Performance sport and clubs
With a strong tradition of sporting excellence across a wide number of sports, we offer talented student athletes the necessary support to excel in their given sport.
Performance programmes

Our comprehensive support programmes help to ensure our students receive the necessary support to reach their full sporting potential. The programme provides elite sportsmen and women with the resources and support to help optimise their sport performance; from lifestyle management, physical preparation for sport and sport psychology, to the potential for financial award.
Learn about our High Performance Programme.
Sport clubs

Our students can take part in over 60 sports clubs ranging from traditional sports, such as rugby, football, cricket or tennis, to martial arts, motorsport and watersports.
Many clubs travel all over the UK to compete against other universities in the British Universities & Colleges Sports competition.
Intra Mural Games (IMG)

Intra Mural Games (IMG) is recreational, fun and competitive sports leagues for students and staff at Cardiff University. Create your own team with some course or flat mates and enter into any of the following leagues. Alternatively, join one of the established school and societies teams who always welcome new players!
- IMG Netball
- IMG Football (7-a-side)
- IMG Football (11-a-side)
With over 100 schools or society teams to choose from IMG provides students with participation opportunities regardless of playing experience. IMG is extremely popular and a vibrant part of the Cardiff University student experience. Not only does IMG provide sporting participation and competition but also the chance to socialise, attend events and make friends!
Learn more about Intra Mural Games (IMG) or contact to enter a team.
Participate in both elite and recreational sport alongside your study, with over 60 clubs and four dedicated sports centres on campus.