29 September 2016
Staff and students playing major role
9 September 2016
Alfie’s helping hand for lecturer running half marathon
31 August 2016
University research benefits from 100% of funds raised
15 August 2016
Cardiff University alumni competes in debut Olympic Games
11 August 2016
Cardiff University ranked highest Welsh university in BUCS league
Running group is legacy of World Half Marathon sponsorship
10 August 2016
Five Cardiff University students represent Great Britain at the World University Championships.
27 July 2016
On 8 August 2016 the Strength and Conditioning Centre at 49 Park Place will close as part of the University's plan to develop it's Centre for Student Life in Park Place.
Cardiff physio to work with Olympic swimming team
26 April 2016
Cardiff University rifle shooters shine at BUCS Small Bore Championships