Urban Honey Company Competition
Community Gateway has supported The Urban Honey Company in their competition launch to find budding entrepreneurs in Grangetown to develop a unique honey concept.

The project
The Urban Honey Company competition is an exciting new collaboration between Cardiff University, John Lewis, Waitrose and Pollen8 Cymru.
Community Gateway has helped to launch the competition by recruiting five budding entrepreneurs from Grangetown aged between 18-30 and not in education, employment or training to help develop a unique honey concept, brand and route to market.
These five people have now received four days training delivered by the Prince's Trust, support from a business mentor, training workshops with the Cardiff University Enterprise Team and have been working with a team of Cardiff University postgraduate students to develop concept, brand and pitch.
The competition will culminate in an all-expenses paid trip to London to deliver a sales pitch to the Waitrose buying team in April 2016.