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Shaping Places

Grangetown mural

Investigating the impact of the creative and cultural sectors on an area and the differences they make to the community.

The idea

The Sustainable Places Research Institute at Cardiff University is conducting a short piece of research looking at the areas of Butetown, Grangetown and Riverside in Cardiff in order to consider how places shape the activities available to people and how those activities in turn shape places. The research is particularly interested in the role of creative and leisure activities and developments and who has benefited or lost out from changes to these over time. This has particular relevance given the plans currently being considered for the future development of Cardiff.


The Cultural Participation Research Network hosted the first workshop on 27 February from 10:00-13:00. The session was attended by people from the creative and cultural sector and those with an interest in the sectors role in the Cardiff Bay area.  The workshop involved drawing individual maps of people's own activity in the area which was used to inform small group discussions, with a final session bringing everyone and their ideas together.

Participants were asked to provide their age, gender and the first element of their postcode and to mark individual work produced during the workshop (on the back of the page) with an identifier which was allocated at the start of the sessions. All results have been stored and reported anonymously.

Next steps

Two further workshops are planned in March 2020; one for community members and one for urban planners.