Postgraduate Research Seminar: Comparative Legal Research and Legal Culture: Facts, Approaches and Values
Monday, 7 November 2016
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Speaker: Professor David Nelken (Kings College, London)
Abstract: This presentation asks whether legal culture is a useful term to use in carrying out comparative legal research. Does it refer to facts, to approaches or values- or to all three? Are there better terms? All those who think about law comparatively (and all should do so) should be interested in the promise and pitfalls of this controversial concept.
Professor David Nelken is an influential writer on sociology of law and comparative criminal justice. Distinguished Research Professor of Law at Cardiff from 1995 till 2013, he is currently Professor of Comparative & Transnational Law in Context (and has just completed a term as Vice Dean and Head of Research) at the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London.
Widely published, awards received and roles occupied include:
- American Sociological Association Distinguished Scholar Award (1985)
- Sellin-Glueck International award of the American Criminological Society (2009)
- Podgorecki Distinguished senior scholar award from the International Sociological Association- for Sociology of Law (2011)
- Law & Society Association, USA, International Scholar Award (2013)
- Fellow of the UK Academy of Social Sciences
- SCOPUS advisory board- responsible for evaluating law journals worldwide
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