Breakfast Briefing - 'What's the Purpose of Purpose?
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Purpose - a business concept that is everywhere at present, spanning key business functions from strategy to Marketing to HR to Sustainability. So what does it mean? Being a business with purpose is about serving a community beyond the shareholder alone, this being a driving force for the business, not merely an afterthought. With so many big challenges facing the World, both socially and environmentally, businesses must step up to the plate. The language of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability limits us, whereas the idea of Purpose helps to engage business leaders in a different way. It helps to cement Responsible Business at the heart of business.
Yet, purpose cannot be simply plucked from thin air – to work well purpose must be authentic, related to a business’s ‘reason for being’.
This briefing will take you through the business case for being a purpose-driven brand, and essentials for having a meaningful and relevant purpose, the hallmarks of a truly purpose-driven business, as well as examples of who’s doing this well.
Stephen Killeen, Global Goals and Sectors Director, leads Business in the Community’s work on sustainable business models, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals, international community investment, purpose, human rights and the private sector role in the disaster management cycle.
We are delighted to invite you and a colleague to our next Cardiff Breakfast Briefing at our Executive Education suite at Cardiff Business School, Postgraduate Teaching Centre, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU.
Cardiff Business School Postgraduate Teaching Centre
Colum Road
CF10 3EU