MLANG Postgraduate Research Student Conference 2021: Memory, translation & politics
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An online conference hosted by Cardiff University’s School of Modern Languages’ postgraduate research community on memory, translation, and politics.
The aim of this conference is to showcase the doctoral projects of the current cohort of PhD students at the School of Modern Languages. We hope that this conference will be an opportunity for peers as well as research and teaching staff to share ideas and thoughts regarding their research. There will be panels on memory, translation, and politics, as well as an informal meeting with some of the School’s PhD alumni. There will also be an opportunity to view the profiles and posters of current PGR students through a virtual gallery walk. After the conference, there will be an informal online reception.
Virtual platform
The conference will be hosted online via Zoom, with the gallery walk hosted on Artsteps.
A programme of the event is available.
Who it’s open to
The conference is open to MLANG PGR students, staff and other PGRs and staff within the college.