Cardiff Women's Aid Pilot
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25th February 2021 @ 10.30am – 12.30pm
Creating a Mindfulness Game
We’re going to show you how you can create your own game that will help you in your moment of anxiety or stress. We will work through basic game concepts, using a computer programme called Scratch. No experience is necessary, and we welcome any ideas or thoughts in the session.
4th March 2021 @ 10.30am – 12.30pm
Wonder Website!
The Cardiff Women’s Aid website is many women’s first port of call for information, support and contact. For many people it’s their Wonder Website! We’d like to work with you on how you would like your Wonder Website to look – whether that’s making changes to Cardiff Women’s Aid’ website or recreating your own look.
11th March 2021 @ 10.30am – 12.30pm
Telling My Story
Every woman is an expert in her own story. Sometimes detaching yourself from a story can be really hard. We would like to use this session to equip you with a set of tools to tell a story through a Computer Programme. Your story could be long or short, detailed or vague. It’s your story and we want to help you have ownership of it. We can either work with you on a personal story or provide a generic story for you to practice with.
18th March @10.30am – 12.30pm
Life Admin Made Easy
We all deserve to feel in control and secure of our own lives. We would love to show you an exciting way to gain control of your life admin. From organising emails and files, to budgets and food lists. We will introduce you to the world of coding so that you can have the startings of your own Personal Assistant. No previous experience is required.