Teaching 9-5: New Technology and Unions
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Technology has changed the way in which we work, including the capacity for workplace surveillance and monitoring. The speed of this change means that in many instances’ employees are unsure what data is collected about them, how it is used or their rights.
This leads to questions about the ability of workers to resist unfair practices, and to organise in their workplace.
This workshop is a space for academics, researchers and activists to work together to identify the concerns, discuss solutions, and to reflect upon their own experiences.
The event proposed is a digital workshop hosted by representatives from academia and from the trade union movement.
It will take the form of a workshop, with break-out spaces for group discussion and reflection. The proposed format consists of an introductory session that explains the concept of new technology at work and existing data rights framework, followed by a breakout session in which groups will reflect upon their own experiences of surveillance in the workplace, and their concerns around it.