Technocamps CPD Accreditation Programme (Primary Schools and Teachers)
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All CPD training will be delivered virtually via Zoom by Technocamps Delivery Officers from USW, Bangor and
Swansea Hubs.
Training sessions will run on Wednesday afternoons between 2pm-4pm according to the timetable.
All sessions will be capped at 20 participants to ensure quality of support and interaction with the group and
Technocamps staff.
1. Introduction to Computational Thinking (1/2)
2. Computational Thinking Across the Curriculum (2/2)
3. Algorithms & the DCF - an Overview (1/2)
4. Algorithms & the DCF - Applications Across the
Curriculum (2/2)
5. Introduction to Scratch Programming (1/2)
6. Further Scratch Programming (2/2)
7. Scratch as a Teaching Tool (1/2)
8. Scratch as a Teaching Tool (2/2)
9. Applied Computational Thinking - Planning for
Teaching (1/2)
10. Teaching Computational Thinking Across the
Curriculum (2/2)