Europe for Wales: Future transnational engagement with the EU
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Cardiff University’s Wales Governance Centre is pleased to announce a Public Webinar with Guus Muijzers of the European Commission's Regional and Urban Policy DG.
Between 2009-2016 he has been desk officer for a dozen Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes, mainly in central Europe. Since 2016, he is also desk officer for the United Kingdom (in particular England and Wales). Guus Muijzers will speak about the added value of cooperation in tackling common issues, providing a unique European perspective on current matters such as Covid-19, Brexit and European Territorial Cooperation. The webinar will ultimately explore the options available and the persisting obstacles to the future transnational engagement of Wales with the EU.
The webinar will be chaired by Dr Giada Lagana, Research Associate at the Wales Governance Centre; and by Dr Rachel Minto, Lecturer in Politics at Cardiff University.
We are taking questions in advance for the Q&A session to help facilitate the event. There will, of course, be the opportunity to pose questions in response to the points made by the panellists. However, if you wish to submit a question in advance, please send it to by 10am on Wednesday 27th May.