Maps n' Apps: What does following people trying to use an App around the countryside tell us about how people get to grips with moorland? by Tom Smith
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This presentation will explore how contemporary, everyday interactive mapping, such as map apps on mobile phones, informs the experience of moving around moorland landscapes. Drawing on evidence from a recent paper (Smith et al. 2019), we will examine video footage of groups wandering around moorland, trying to find waypoints on a heritage tour guide app.
This examination will help us to think about how ’navigational work’ gets done in landscapes that seem semiotically poor, and how even relatively subtle terrain features of moorland are tied to wayfinding practices.
Reference: Smith, Laurier, Reeves & Dunkley (2019) “Off the beaten map”: Navigating with digital maps on moorland. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
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