Public space design and social cohesion: An international comparison
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Join us at Cardiff University to celebrate the book launch of Public Space Design and Social Cohesion: An International Comparison, a new edited book by Dr Patricia Aelbrecht and Dr Quentin Stevens which brings together scholarly knowledge at the intersection of public space design and social cohesion and takes a global view on scholarly research and urban design practice in both the Global North and Global South.
The event will include a talk by the authors, followed by a drinks reception (vouchers will be distributed to purchase the book at discounted price).
This lecture has been supported by the Cities Research Centre from Cardiff University and an International Research Exchange Fellowship from RMIT Alumni and Philanthropy.
Visit Routledge for more information about the book:
About the Lecture:
Public spaces are increasingly recognized as being the key contact and encounter spaces and thus essential tools to achieve cohesion.
But what exactly is social cohesion, how is it experienced in the public realm, and what role can the design of public spaces have in improving it?
To address these questions, this lecture draws on Aelbrecht and Stevens’ recently-completed book exploring case studies of public spaces in 13 countries across Europe, Asia and the Americas.

Glamorgan Building
King Edward VII Avenue
CF10 3WA