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Richard Lewis receiving his award

Dr Richard Lewis Wins National Instruments Engineering Impact Award

15 February 2017

Dr Richard Lewis has won a National Instruments Engineering Impact Award for innovative postgraduate teaching.

Python software development

Software event ‘success story’

15 February 2017

University-backed software gathering inspires programmers from elsewhere in Africa

article published in New Statesman

Zero-carbon homes: saving money as well as energy article published in New Statesman

14 February 2017

Dr Jo Patterson has had an article published in the New Statesman publication

A group of teachers at the event

Welsh teachers reach for the stars

10 February 2017

The School of Physics and Astronomy has held its largest-ever teacher training event.

tab on computer showing Twitter URL

Brexit hate crime

9 February 2017

Social Data Science Lab awarded £250,000 grant to set up centre to monitor Brexit-related hate crime on social media

blue pigment

Pigment research is ‘completely novel’

9 February 2017

Natural blue colouring agent could benefit cosmetics and food industries

25000 pencils

Cardiff University team create giant installation out of 25,000 pencils

8 February 2017

Staff and students from the Welsh School of Architecture showcase novel design structure in Barcelona

Meeting energy challenges on an industrial secondment

7 February 2017

Dr Liana Cipcigan has collaborated with the National Grid to overcome challenges in the emerging energy sector during an industrial secondment.

MChem Chemistry Student Jessica Powell

Norman C Lloyd Scholarship awarded to MChem student

6 February 2017

The Norman C Lloyd Scholarship has been awarded to Jessica Powell, a current first year student on the MChem Chemistry.

Light bulb signifying idea

Unravelling mysteries of mind and matter

6 February 2017

Two research projects secure EU funds totalling €3m