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Headshot of Pedro Faria Gomes

Major Accolade for Dr Pedro Faria Gomes

2 November 2020

Sonata for violin and piano wins prize

Professor Norman Doe with the Dean of St David's Cathedral, The Very Rev'd Dr Sarah Rowland Jones.

Canon Law professor speaks at annual Cathedral event

30 October 2020

This September, Professor Norman Doe, was invited to St Davids to deliver the Annual Lecture of the Friends of St Davids Cathedral.

Duncan Bloy and Tim Holmes

Fond farewell to long-serving colleagues

26 October 2020

The School recently bid farewell to two highly-regarded colleagues, Duncan Bloy and Tim Holmes.

Teenage boy using laptop and doing homework - stock photo

A-Level students get chance to sample university life

26 October 2020

New scheme now open for applications

International prize for postgraduate

22 October 2020

Postgraduate student awarded inaugural prize honouring global icon in African studies

Out of the shadow of the father

22 October 2020

New volume explores under-appreciated period of Roman Empire

Stock image of man in a mask looking out of the window

Report on the impact of COVID-19 on Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities leading to change in Wales

20 October 2020

Cardiff University academic’s report made more than 30 recommendations

Stock image of puzzle pieces being put back together

£10m Challenge Fund to Reshape Society

19 October 2020

Cardiff Capital Region partners Cardiff University

Group of people in Zoom meeting

iLEGO 2020

16 October 2020

Workshop goes virtual in fourth year

Cardiff BookTalk goes global for 10th birthday

15 October 2020

Popular book club gets a virtual twist for its tenth season