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collingwood collection

Collingwood Collection coup for Cardiff

23 July 2014

University to home unique archive materials worth more than £2M.

TheLeverhulmeTrust logo

Two Leverhulme Fellowships awarded to the School of Modern Languages

21 July 2014

The School has been successful in supporting two applications to the Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship scheme.

Honorary Fellowship

21 July 2014

School of Music alumnus Tony Woodcock was awarded a Cardiff University Honorary Fellowship at the School's graduation ceremony in St David's Hall this week.

Judith Wier

New Master of the Queen's Music

15 July 2014

Congratulations to composer Judith Weir on her new appointment as Master of the Queen's Music.

Published this month

10 July 2014

A round-up of Cardiff Law School staff publications for June 2014.

welsh big dig

Digging the 'Diff 2014

1 July 2014

Can 2,000 people explore 2,000 years of history in just one month?

Arts & Humanities Research Council

Showcasing arts and humanities research

30 June 2014

City hosts national festival to promote arts and humanities research.

Fulbright students

Fulbright students welcomed to Wales

24 June 2014

Cardiff welcomes talented US students to study the nation’s culture, history, politics and landscape.

Hitler's Jurassic Monsters

17 June 2014

Senior Lecture in Modern European history Dr Toby Thacker and Reader in Bio-archaeology Dr Jacqui Mulville of the School of History, Archaeology and Religion feature in the documentary, revealing the untold story of a Nazi vision which went far beyond the military conquest of European countries.

Music logo

International Interdisciplinary Symposium: Translation in Music

16 June 2014

Scholars and practitioners in Translation Studies and Music came together for this interdisciplinary symposium.