14 October 2016
Sociology research fellow, Dr Rachel Hurdley recently acted as a consultant on a BBC Radio 4 series about people’s homes and belongings.
Project promotes public discussion on values and beliefs
13 October 2016
Cardiff Academic delivers keynote at International Food Summit
Fiction Fiesta 2016 lands in Cardiff during One World Week
Business School’s expertise will help pinpoint supply-chain trends
12 October 2016
People, places and politics in the valleys
Cardiff University experts join forces with Welsh Government to tackle cyberhate
Essential funding for Wales’ sole modern languages network has been secured by Cardiff and Bangor universities
11 October 2016
Seafarers routinely face threats of coercion and blackmail in many ports around the world, according to a major new project from the Seafarers International Research Centre.
Hodge Foundation funds Cardiff University research institute