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Philosophy and the Post-Truth World

12 January 2017

How study of Philosophy can help make sense of ‘Post-Truth’ world

Web browser with blue overlay

150 years of British history

11 January 2017

What Big Data found when it analysed more than a century of local newspapers

Prestigious O'Donnell Lecture returns

10 January 2017

The University is proud to continue its long-held tradition of hosting this Celtic-themed public lecture series.

Students celebrate at a Routes into Languages Spelling Bee competition

Evaluate Routes into Languages Cymru through unique PhD studentship

10 January 2017

The School of Modern Languages has recently teamed up with the British Council to offer a unique studentship which will evaluate the effectiveness of Wales’ sole language outreach programme.

A statue of Bruce Lee

Mythologies of Martial Arts is published

9 January 2017

From Bruce Lee to The Karate Kid, Professor Paul Bowman explores the myths and ideologies of martial arts in popular culture.

Japanese image

Japan: a Land of Beautiful Things

6 January 2017

Cardiff academic switches Celtic capitals to deliver talk at national museum and gallery.

Writer accepts award for Best Film, It's My Shout Awards 2016

Creative Writer graduate gets award for first film

4 January 2017

One year after completing the Creative Writing Masters, a Cardiff University graduate wins prestigious award for first short film.

A delegation from Xiamen University visit the School of Modern Languages, home to Cardiff's Confucius Institute.

Mandarin students showcase language skills to Chinese University partners

4 January 2017

Students studying Mandarin were recently given the opportunity to practise their language skills in-front of a prestigious audience of Chinese academics.

Russian Revolution centenary marked with landmark talk

3 January 2017

A distinguished authority on the history of modern Russia is to deliver a major lecture at Cardiff University as part of Russian Revolution centenary commemorations across the city.

Dr Russell Sandberg (left) and Professor Norman Doe (right) pictured with Professor Witte Jr of Emory University and Dr Sharon Thompson of Cardiff University.

New Critical Concepts in Law volumes published

3 January 2017

Professor Norman Doe and Dr Russell Sandberg are editors of two collections that have just been published by Routledge as part of their Critical Concepts in Law series.