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Instagram: Home of the Selfie

5 February 2020

Is the social media platform changing the face of contemporary art and portraiture?

Secondary aged school children in class

Health and wellbeing of children in Wales under the spotlight

4 February 2020

Research examines period of transition to new curriculum

Teenage girl sat on sofa

Scale of substance misuse among adolescents in residential care revealed

30 January 2020

Study sheds light on difficulties faced by the most vulnerable young people in society

Group of people sat in lecture space

Recruiting with 20/20 vision

30 January 2020

Breakfast Briefing focuses on building tomorrow’s workforce

New language report celebrates success of pioneering school projects

27 January 2020

Two successful initiatives pioneered at the School of Modern Languages have been cited as examples of best practice in a new report on language learning.

Literary Atlas art roadshow reaches its final destination

27 January 2020

Cartographic Imaginaries exhibition – commissioned as part of the Literary Atlas project – will be on display at the Pierhead building and Senedd until 17 February

White line on green grass

Sustainability disruption

24 January 2020

Lecture traces entrepreneurial journey of Ecotricity and FGR

Mind the gap train station sign

New study reveals the everyday barriers facing disabled lawyers

24 January 2020

Academics call for action to address inequalities

Professor Kenneth Hamilton playing a piano

My Life in Music by Professor Kenneth Hamilton

22 January 2020

Professor Hamilton pays tribute to his parents on BBC Radio 3

Adults sat in a circle having a group discussion

New research shows the potential for improving social work decision-making

21 January 2020

Cognitive debiasing improves forecasting by social workers