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Postgraduate study

Our postgraduate courses are available in Welsh or as bilingual courses.

This is an opportunity to improve your understanding of the subject and acquire skills that will benefit your career.

Welsh students


Studying a PhD in Welsh or bilingually in nearly every subject is possible.

Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol funds students pursuing a PhD through the Research Scholarship scheme. They also offer new researchers high-quality support and training.

If you wish to conduct research and become an expert in your field, you can find more information about Research Scholarships offered by the Coleg here:

Research Scholarships

Initial teacher training

We provide opportunities for teacher training through the one-year postgraduate course, the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE).

We also offer this course part-time, or while you work, over two years.

For further information on the teacher training programme and the variety of grants, schemes, and courses available, please visit the main website of Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol:

Initial Teacher Training

Dysgu'r Dyfodol Scheme

Dysgu’r Dyfodol offers mentoring sessions and valuable work experience to students interested in becoming schoolteachers (in all subjects except BA Education).

The scheme is open to students from any degree subject and at any stage of their degree (Years 1, 2, 3, or postgraduate). Participants who complete the scheme will receive £100.

Students are paired with mentors for three one-on-one online sessions during the summer term. Additionally, participants can gain two days of work experience in a school in either June or July.

The mentors will be early career teachers in Wales who have completed their induction year (NQT).

More information about the Dysgu'r Dyfodol Scheme

Find out more

Visit Research Scholarship Individuals to learn more about the experiences of those who have pursued Welsh-medium postgraduate studies thanks to scholarships from the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.

Contact Elliw Iwan, the Cardiff Branch Officer, if you have any questions.