Creative Writing Toolkit

Cardiff University’s Creative Writing department is developing an online Creative Writing Toolkit, a multi-faceted digital resource for teachers, writers and members of the general public.
The Toolkit offers an interactive and updatable resource for teachers who are not writers, and writers who are not teachers, to facilitate the teaching of creative writing to those in schools, in the community and in hard to reach groups (such as those not in education, employment or training).
Its aim is to help its users to gain in confidence, literacy skills and the ability to express themselves more cogently and fluently. Original and inventive writing which is not linked to assessment can help to empower individuals, validate individual experience and give voice to the disenfranchised or marginalised. A greater confidence and flexibility with language can have add-on benefits for the rest of young people’s learning and understanding.
The Toolkit will offer teachers added support and materials to help foster creativity and literacy in schools, and provide a greater understanding of the value of mistakes, experimentation and revising. Alongside guidance for teachers and writers, it will also offer a series of online sessions that allow students who miss their real-time creative writing clubs to join a 'virtual club'.
Future actions
The Creative Writing Toolkit is being trialled in a school from a local Communities First area during the spring of 2017. Future plans for the Toolkit include to:
- develop the Welsh language dimension
- add a grammar component
- establish links to the National Museum Wales to facilitate introduction of ekphrasis and heritage components
- expand training opportunities for MA and BA students who wish to work with young people on creative writing
- create further interactive games and downloadable phone apps
- develop existing relationships with Literature Wales (who have expressed an interest in linking the Toolkit to their own resources), the National Association of Writers in Education, Bath Spa University's Paper Nations project, and The Arvon Foundation.
Led by Dr Shelagh Weeks, the Toolkit is being developed through a partnership with Emma Beynon (writer, Write Team and Arts Alive Wales), Clare Potter (teacher, arts practitioner, poet and a Literature Wales Visiting Writer), and Mikey Goodman (Cardiff University Centre for Editorial and Intertextual Research).