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Our work

We work within the University to promote and support academics' engagement with city region agendas, and with a range of external partners on projects that seek to advance regional social and economic development.

Pilot engagement project funding

Applications for this award scheme providing up to £5,000 to support pilot projects that engage with communities, public authorities or firms in Cardiff and the surrounding area are now closed.

Funded projects 2016-17

Thirteen projects were awarded funding in the first round of pilot engagement projects.

Funded projects 2017-18

Seven projects were awarded funding in the second round of pilot engagement projects.

Graduate retention

City Region Exchange, working with the City of Cardiff Council, was asked by the UK’s Government Office for Science to help identify evidence on graduate mobility.

Partnering for Change showcase

In November 2016 City Region Exchange hosted an exhibition of projects being undertaken by staff and students from across the University with partners in the region.