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Chemistry in 3D workshop

Chemistry in the 3rd Dimension success

14 February 2020

Immersive 3D chemistry workshops are a hit with pupils and teachers.

Dr Rick Short, NDA Research Manager, presenting Danielle with the best oral presentation award.

Cardiff PhD student's prize winning research

12 February 2020

Danielle Merrikin wins prize for best oral presentation.

Athena SWAN success

26 November 2019

The commitment demonstrated by the School to promote gender equality and diversity has led them to achieve an Athena SWAN Bronze award.

GSK Prizes for excellence

GSK prizes for excellence in organic chemistry

14 November 2019

Undergraduate students from the School of Chemistry have been presented with a number of prizes by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).

Four chemistry students volunteered their time in Arusha

Student volunteers make a difference in Tanzanian communities

31 October 2019

Four chemistry students spent three weeks living and working in Arusha communities as part of the Agape Volunteers teaching programme.

Outstanding students awarded scholarships

31 October 2019

Six chemistry students were selected to receive a University Scholarship award worth £3000.


Platinum breakthrough for cleaner and cheaper catalysts

15 October 2019

New process could reduce the costs of producing everyday items such as petrol, pharmaceuticals and fertilisers


Breakthrough in harnessing the power of biological catalysts

16 September 2019

Potential for cleaner and greener ways to produce commodity chemicals as scientists create perfect conditions for fungus-derived enzymes to thrive

Magnet research

EU backing for world-class magnetics research

24 July 2019

MAGMA to develop magnetic alloys


Mars mission for 250 pupils

5 July 2019

Annual event demonstrates breadth of careers in STEM