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Mood disorders research

Researching the causes of the world's most prevalent mental health problems.

Our researchers are working to better understand how genetic and environmental factors combine to affect a person's risk of developing mood disorders.

Understanding mood disorders

Mood disorders such as bipolar disorder and depression are very common, and can affect anyone. Depression mixed with anxiety is the most widespread mental health problem in the UK, affecting up to 10% of the population.

Our mood disorders research

Our mood disorders research covers topics including the genetic relationship between depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and mood disorders in relation to childbirth.

Bipolar Disorder Research Network (BDRN)

Our mood disorders research group plays an active part in the Bipolar Disorder Research Network, along with colleagues at Birmingham University. This is the largest study of its kind in the world, with over 5000 members of the public recruited to date.

BDRN's current area of interest is bipolar disorder, pregnancy and childbirth, and the team works closely with Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP).

Bipolar Education Programe Cymru (BEPC)

The mood disorders research has lead to the production of Bipolar Education Programme Cymru (BEPC). This Award winning psychoeducation programme and its online equivalent Beating Bipolar are delivered in partnership with the National Centre for Mental Health and SmileOn Healthcare Learning, with support from the Big Lottery Fund.

The programme aims to equip people with bipolar disorder with the tools and techniques needed to better manage their condition.