BRAINTRAIN will improve and adapt the methods of real-time fMRI neurofeedback (fMRI-NF) for clinical use.
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BRAINTRAIN started in November 2013 and is coordinated by Cardiff University. The consortium consists of 13 partners across the European Union. One of the objectives is to explore the clinical use of fMRI-based neurofeedback in disorders where people exhibit dysfunctional brain activity and where current treatments are not satisfactory. Our partners have been working across a variety of clinical trials for over four years now.
Cardiff University
Chief Investigator: Prof David Linden
Motivational neurofeedback in alcohol dependence. NCT02486900.
Finished recruitment (52 patients in total were randomised) and the primary outcome measures were completed in January 2018. Follow-up will be completed in July/August 2018.
Oxford University/King's College London
Chief Investigator: Dr Jennifer Lau (KCL)
Emotion regulation in adolescent girls with a range of anxiety levels. NCT02463136.
Recruitment and testing was completed in May 2017. 50 participants were recruited and screened and 41 participants completed testing. For the final months, a follow-up project is being set-up where participants to come back in June/July 2018 for another testing session to assess the longevity of the training effects.
The University of Coimbra
Chief Investigator: Prof Miguel Castelo-Branco
Completed 2 trials both with 15 participants.
Trial 1: “Improving facial expression identification in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): a real-time fMRI neurofeedback approach” NCT02440451.
Trial 2: “An interventional study to improve social attention in autism spectrum disorder (ASD): a brain computer interface (BCI) approach” NCT02445625.
Tel-Aviv University
Chief Investigator: Prof Talma Hendler
Completing 2 trials focussing on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Trial 1: Neurofeedback prevention for early stress related adversity.
Recruited a total of 36 participants. Follow are expected to be completed by October 2018.
Trial 2: Neurofeedback therapeutic intervention for PTSD.
Recruited a total of 57 patients. Follow-up assessments are also expected to conclude by October 2018.
Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tubingen
Chief Investigator: Prof Niels Birbaumer
Modulating functional connectivity between eating-related brain areas by neurofeedback.
Forty overweight or obese subjects (BMI, 25-40 kg/m²) took part in a single-blind randomized controlled trial. Data are currently being analysed and prepared for publication.
Collaborative EU project
BRAINTRAIN is a European research network (Collaborative Project) supported by the European Commission under the Health Cooperation Work Programme of the 7th Framework Programme, under the Grant Agreement n°602186.
Chief Investigator(s) | |
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European Union |
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Key facts
Start date | 1 Nov 2013 |
End date | 31 Oct 2018 |
Grant value | £5,376,283 |
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