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The Azithromycin therapy for Chronic Lung Disease of Prematurity (AZTEC) study is a national clinical trial investigating if the antibiotic azithromycin can improve the lung outcomes of premature babies who are born at less than 30 weeks of gestational age.

AZTEC video

Trial collaboration

The trial is being led by Professor Sailesh Kotecha from the Child Health Research Group in the Division of Infection and Immunity in the School of Medicine, and coordinated by the Centre for Trials Research, both based at Cardiff University.

Lung disease in babies

Although advances in the treatment of premature babies has improved substantially over the last thirty years, many babies are still at risk of developing the lung disease called Chronic Lung Disease of Prematurity (CLD, also called bronchopulmonary dysplasia or BPD). CLD is treated with oxygen, which some children still require when discharged home. We have shown that both inflammation and the presence of microbes can increase the risk for developing lung disease in prematurely born babies.

Testing antibiotics

Our study will target both the lung inflammation and the lung microbe called Ureaplasma and aims to determine if 10 days treatment with azithromycin reduces the rates of CLD when compared to the placebo control group. In total, 796 babies born prematurely will be enrolled.

Professor Kotecha said “Over the years, our work has shown that both infection and lung inflammation play an important part in the development of CLD. This trial will answer if targeting both with a safe antibiotic can lead to decreased development of CLD”.

Neonatal units

The trial will involve approximately 25 neonatal intensive care units around the UK and will last for 4 years.


Key facts

Start date 1 Jan 2019
End date 30 Sep 2022
Grant value £2,135,373
  • Set up

General enquiries

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