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Potential new treatment for advanced cancers

Improving breast cancer treatment

10 June 2019

New treatment researched in Wales doubles time Breast Cancer is controlled

Mid-Frail study photo

International trial shows significant beneficial effects of a multi-modal intervention scheme

16 May 2019

MID-Frail study betters the consequences of diabetes on physical function and reduces healthcare costs by €428 per patient

School girls sat around table

Peer-led drug prevention

23 April 2019

Cardiff University launches largest UK trial of school-based drug prevention

Child in classroom

Funder extension for Building Blocks:2-6 study

11 March 2019

Funder extension allows extra time to gather in remaining Key Stage 1 data for Building Blocks 2:6 study.

Pregnant woman smoking cigarette

Demonisation of smoking and drinking in pregnancy can prevent cessation

12 February 2019

Less moral judgement and more support may help women refrain from smoking and drinking during pregnancy

Woman checking her fitness tracker

Digital technology in management of Huntington’s

6 December 2018

£16 million European collaboration aims to improve quality of life for people with neurodegenerative diseases

Hanan Khalil

L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Fellowship

2 November 2018

Cardiff University PhD Student Wins Prestigious L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Fellowship

Aspirin tablets

Could aspirin play role in treatment of cancer?

26 September 2018

Aspirin could play valuable role as additional treatment for cancer

Ear examination

Oral steroids not effective for most children with glue ear

4 September 2018

Study finds no large benefits for 2-8 year old children prescribed steroids for glue ear

PrEP tablet

Investigating use of new HIV prevention strategy

15 August 2018

Cardiff University researcher awarded Welsh government funding for HIV prevention research in Wales