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2018 public lectures

Listings and videos of our seminar series in 2018.

Dr Imran Awan

"You Terrorist Scum": Doing Dangerous Ethnographic Research on Islamophobia

7 February 2018

Video of Dr Imran Awan's lecture

Imran Awan is Associate Professor in Criminology and Deputy Director of the Centre for Applied Criminology at Birmingham City University. His research examines the impact of islamophobia and security upon Muslim communities. He has written for various news organisations and offered comment for national and international broadcasters, and he is an advisor to the British Government on anti-Muslim hatred. His book, Islamophobia: Lived Experiences of Online and Offline Victimisation, is published by Policy Press.

Professor Peter Hopkins

Being a Scottish Muslim: the Difference that Scotland Makes?

21 February 2018

Video of Professor Peter Hopkins' lecture

Peter Hopkins is Professor of Social Geography at Newcastle University. His main area of research is the geographies of Muslim identities with a particular focus on the Scottish context. Peter has co-edited Muslims in Britain: Race, Place and Identities (with Richard Gale), Religion and Place: Landscape, Politics and Piety (with Lily Kong and Elizabeth Olson) and has edited a collection on Scotland’s Muslims: Society, Politics and Identity with Edinburgh University Press.

Abdul-Azim Ahmed

Who Needs a Masjid? The Past, Present and Future of British Mosques

7 March 2018

Video of Abdul-Asim Ahmed's lecture

Abdul-Azim Ahmed completed his doctorate on British mosques at the Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK, Cardiff University, in 2017, and has since been working as a researcher in the third sector. He is currently writing a book based on his thesis as well as continuing his research on the history and presence of Muslims in Wales.

Shaykh Dr Asim Yusuf

Approaches to Depression and Anxiety in Classical Islam: From Abu Zayd to Abu Hamid

18 April 2018

Video of Shaykh Dr Asim Yusuf's lecture

Asim Yusuf is a practising Consultant Psychiatrist with a special interest in bioethics, spirituality and mental health. He holds a number of ijaza’s (formal teaching authorisations) in classical Islamic disciplines and has authored works in spirituality, history and Islamic law. He is the director of the Nur al-Habib Foundation as well as IMWell Health, an Islamic Mental Well-being Consultancy, and sits on the advisory board of a number of charities and initiatives.