Cell analysis and imaging
Our well-equipped cell analysis and imaging facilities are staffed by experts in flow cytometry, cell sorting and electron and light microscopy.

Whether you are a first-time or experienced user of these facilities, our team is here to offer you a comprehensive service to deliver the highest quality results for your project,
We can provide a fully managed service, experimental design advice or simply access to our facilities.
Flow cytometry and cell sorting
- Multiple benchtop flow cytometry instruments: a BD FACSCanto II system (8 colours), a ThermoFisher Attune NxT (11 colours) and a BD LSR Fortessa cell analyser (16 colours)
- BD FACSAria III (11 colours) for high-speed digital cell sorting into tubes (4 way), plates (6, 24, 48, 96 and 384 wells) or onto microscope slides
- BD FACSymphony A3 Cell Analyzer. 5 laser configuration (including UV laser) and ability to measure 30 parameters with 96/384 plate capability
Electron and light microscopy
- Analytic scanning and transmission EM
- Critical point drying and sputter coating
- Nanoparticle isolation and characterisation
- Methodological development with notable expertise in bespoke tissue processing
- JOEL 840A SEM and access to TEM (managed service only)
Note that our Electron and Light Microscopy Facility is not included in the scope of our ISO 9001:2015 certification.
Contact us
Get in touch to discuss how we can support your research:
Central Biotechnology Services
Existing customers
If you are already registered on our equipment booking system, sign in to make a booking.
There is a GW4 brochure detailing all the Flow Cytometry Shared Resources available to access across GW4. These Shared Resources are instruments located in GW4 universities (Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter), with supporting technical expertise, that can be accessed by researchers across GW4 and beyond, including commercial partners.