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We run a regular programme of brain-mapping seminars for staff, students, and the public.

Seminars occur every Monday during term time at 12:10 in CUBRIC Seminar Room 2, unless stated otherwise.

If you would be interested in attending a brain-mapping seminar, email

Cardiff University staff and students can also access recordings of past seminars.

Upcoming events

24 February 202512:10Claudia Metzler-Baddeley - CUBRICCUBRIC developed data repositories CUBRIC
3 March 202512:10Chen Song - CUBRICHow Sleep deprivation disconnects the brain and consciousness from the external worldCUBRIC
17 February 202512:10Arman Eshaghi - UCLPrecision treatment strategies in multiple sclerosis using machine learning: The CUBRIC–UCL MS-PINPOINT projectCUBRIC
27 January 202512:10Elsa Fouragnan, University of PlymouthImproving Human Decision Making Through Ultrasound-Induced NeuroplasticityCUBRIC
20 January 202512:10Emma Anderson, University College LondonUsing the genetic architecture of neuroimaging biomarkers to understand vascular dementia aetiologyCUBRIC
13 January 202512:10Alessio Fracasso, University of GlasgowMapping motor and visual space in human cortex and midbrain at high-fieldZoom
25 November 202416:10Elizabeth Davenport - UT Southwestern Medical CenterMagnetoencephalography (MEG) and ConcussionZoom
11 November 202412:10Charlotte Rae - University of SussexHow does a 4-day working week change mind, brain, and body? Plus, a discussion on how neuroimagers can reduce their environmental impactCUBRIC
4 November 202412:10Anastasia Yendiki - Harvard UniversityTowards a microscale human connectomeZoom
28 October 202412:10Antoine Theberg - University of SherbrookeTractography algorithms with global information using Transformers.Zoom
22 October 202413:10Ed X Wu - The University of Hong Kong (HKU)Ultra-low-field MRI for Accessible Healthcare: Back to the future through computing?Zoom
21 October 202412:10Amy Lynham/James Walters - CUBRICCardiff ONline Cognitive Assessment (CONCA): A web-based tool for psychiatric researchCUBRIC
14 October 202412:10Melissa Wright - CUBRICThe influence of hormones on vascular health and functioning across the eye and brain, from N=1 to big data.CUBRIC
30 September 202415:10Eckart Altenmüller - University of HannoverMusic and neuroplasticity.Zoom
23 September 202412:10Curtis Johnson - University of DelawareMechanical Neuroimaging with Magnetic Resonance ElastographyZoom
29 April 202412:10Fulvia Palesi - University of PaviaTowards digital twins to investigate brain diseasesZoom
22 April 202416:10Emily Jacobs - UC Santa BarbaraDynamic endocrine modulation of the nervous systemZoom
15 April 202416:10Michael Pratte - Mississippi State UniversityThe Role of Early Visual Areas in Attention & MemoryZoom
8 April 202412:10Christopher Osuafor - Cambridge UniversityOptimisation of time of flight magnetic resonance angiography for visualisation of lenticulostriate arteries at 7T for understanding cerebral small vessel diseaseZoom
25 March 202412:10Pernille Hemmer - Rutgers UniversityMeasuring the sense of agencyCUBRIC
18 March 202412:10Natalie Jones - CUBRICFrom drug development to the first trials on humans (FIH trials) at Cardiff UniversityCUBRIC
26 Feb 202416:00Michal Wierzchon -  Jagiellionian University of KrakowCognitive and neural mechanisms of metacognitive awarenessCUBRIC
29 Jan 202412:10Sophie Fitzsimmons -Amsterdam UMCRepetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for obsessive-compulsive disorder: using fMRI to understand an emerging treatmentCUBRIC
11 Dec 202312:10Emily Louise Baadsvik -  ETH ZürichMapping the myelin bilayer with short-T2 MRICUBRIC
4 Dec 202312:10Nikou Damestani - MGHProbing the Relationship between Cerebral Hemodynamics and Healthy AgingCUBRIC
27 Nov 202312:10Rich Harrison - University of Reading“I Just Get Used To It: The stability of pain adaptation and its association with hippocampal dynamics”CUBRIC
20 Nov 202312:10Mara Cercignani - CUBRICMethods and techniques of CUBRICCUBRIC
13 Nov 202312:10Qianqian
Yang - CUBRIC/
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Continuous time random walk models and their applications in diffusion MRICUBRIC
6 Nov 202312:10Professor Dima - City,
University of London
Mapping brain functional and structural differences in psychosis in combination with geneticsCUBRIC
30 Oct 202312:10Dr Hong-Viet V. Ngo-Dehning - University of SussexClosed-loop stimulation of non-rem sleepCUBRIC
23 Oct
12:10Rik Henson - Cambridge UniversityRelating age, brain and cognition: findings from the CamCAN cohortCUBRIC
16 Oct
12:10Irvin Teh - Leeds UniversityCardiac diffusion MRI - Opportunities and ChallengesCUBRIC
9 Oct
12:10Dr. Maura Malpetti  - Cambridge UniversityBrain inflammation in dementia: what can we learn from PET imaging and blood
2 Oct
12:10Dr. Paddy Slator (CUBRIC)Unsupervised and self-supervised machine learning for quantitative medical image analysisCUBRIC
15 May 202312:10Marco CataniFrom White to Gray's AnatomyCUBRIC