We participate in outreach events including exhibiting at public events, Cardiff University events, and running engagement activities as part of our primary school and secondary school outreach programme.
British Science Week is a ten day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths subjects (STEM) and took place between 9 – 18 March 2018. Primary schools wanted to embrace this and therefore March was a busy month for our volunteers delivering outreach activities to school children.
Cardiff Institute for Tissue Engineering and Repair (CITER) exhibited at the Science in Health Live! event which took place between 14 - 15 March in the School of Medicine, University of Hospital Wales.
During October two CITER members travelled to French Guiana to participate in a week long science led outreach programme. The programme “Science in Schools”, was a collaboration between the British Council and French Ministry of Education which aimed to bring interactive science learning to the students living in the region.
Over the summer CITER's "operation man" was refurbished as part of a joint application for a Cardiff University Student Education Innovation Project (CUSEIP) Award.