Our vision

The European Cancer Stem Cell Research Institute establishes Cardiff University as an international leader in the field of cancer stem cell research. The ultimate aim is to develop new cancer therapies which will make a real difference to the lives of patients.
We intend to build on Cardiff University's existing strengths in basic science, in the development of new drugs and therapies, and in the planning and conduct of clinical trials. We attract and nurture international research talent in this field, from the most promising postgraduate students to the most senior level, with a particular focus on talented early career scientists through our ongoing Fellowship initiative.
The Research Institute fosters new collaborations both across the University and with UK and international partners. Our ambition is to be recognised as an international centre of excellence for cancer stem cell research, attracting continued support and funding from organisations and individuals keen to see breakthroughs in the field.
Our vision for the future of our institute is to build on our expertise in this field, continue to translate our work into clinical applications as well as broadening the horizons of our research in cancer stem cells and cancer.
Through our cutting edge research, we are making a difference to this research landscape, and our Institute aims to transform the way we treat cancer.