Scope and remit
Our remit ranges from relatively fundamental and theoretical research through to highly applied industrial research and knowledge exchange activities.
CAMSAC staff and investigators regularly work in collaboration with other academic institutions and a broad cross section of the manufacturing sector, including both SMEs and large multinational companies, professional bodies and policymakers.
Our activities span the local, national and international arenas, including a major programme of support for Welsh businesses and longstanding research partnerships with academics and companies across the globe.

For practical purposes, we broadly follow the following definition to describe manufacturing:
‘The application of leading-edge technical knowledge and expertise for the creation of products, production processes and associated services, which have strong potential to bring sustainable growth and high economic value to the UK. Activities may stretch from R&D at one end to recycling at the other.’
Source: Technology Strategy Board, 2012 (now Innovate UK) – A Landscape for the future of high value manufacturing in the UK
The manufacturing sector is continuing to grow within the UK with the government's recent Industrial Strategy highlighting manufacturing as a priority sector.
'The UK manufacturing sector makes a significant contribution to the UK economy (£177 billion GVA in 2016). Manufacturing accounts for over 50 per cent of UK exports 204 and over 70 per cent of R&D 205. The productivity of the sector has increased four times faster than the rest of the economy.'
Source: HM Government, 2017- Industrial Strategy: Building a Britain fit for the future
The work conducted by CAMSAC staff works in partnership with industry leaders to further promote collaborative research development to stimulate growth and impact.