2021 publications
- Zorzoli, L. and Massano, J. P. eds. 2021. Clase obrera y dictadura militar en Argentina (1976-1983): nuevos estudios sobre conflictividad y cambios estructurales. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA: Editorial A Contracorriente/North Carolina University Press.
- Wang, Y. and Pettit, S. eds. 2021. E-logistics: managing digital supply chains for competitive advantage. 2nd Edition. London: Kogan Page.
- Strong, C. ed. 2021. Ethical approaches to marketing: Positive contributions to society. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- , M. et al., 2021. Handbook of European employers' organisations. Working paper. Hans Böckler Foundation. Available at: https://www.boeckler.de/en/faust-detail.htm?sync_id=HBS-008096.
- Abreu, M. and Jones, C. 2021. The shadow of the Pithead: understanding social and political attitudes in former coal mining communities in the UK. Applied Geography 131 102448. (10.1016/j.apgeog.2021.102448)
- Ahmad, G. 2021. Group incentive compatibility in the housing market problem with weak preferences. Games and Economic Behavior 126 , pp.136-162. (10.1016/j.geb.2020.12.004)
- Ahmad, G. et al. 2021. Evaluating data-driven methods for short-term forecasts of cumulative SARS-CoV2 cases. PLoS ONE 16 (5) e0252147. (10.1371/journal.pone.0252147)
- Ahmad, G. , Rizwan, M. S. and Ashraf, D. 2021. Systemic risk and macroeconomic forecasting: A globally applicable copula-based approach. Journal of Forecasting 40 (8), pp.1420-1443. (10.1002/for.2774)
- Ahmed, F. et al., 2021. A cross-sectional community readiness assessment for implementing school-based comprehensive sexuality education in Islamabad, Pakistan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (4) 1497. (10.3390/ijerph18041497)
- Ahmed, M. 2021. Exploring the financial experiences and behaviours of British Muslims. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Ahmed, N. , Mobarek, A. and Nawazesh Roni, N. 2021. Revisiting the impact of ESG on financial performance of FTSE350 UK firms: Static and dynamic panel data analysis. Cogent Business & Management 8 (1) 1900500. (10.1080/23311975.2021.1900500)
- Akter, S. , Taufique Hossain, T. M. and Strong, C. 2021. What omnichannel really means?. Journal of Strategic Marketing 29 (7), pp.567-573. (10.1080/0965254X.2021.1937284)
- Alam, M. K. , Karbhari, Y. and Rahman, M. D. 2021. Adaptation of new institutional theory in Shariah governance practice, structure and process. Asian Journal of Business Environment 11 (1), pp.5-15. (10.13106/jbees.2021.vol11.no1.5)
- Alfnes, E. et al., 2021. Exploring systemic factors creating uncertainty in complex engineer-to-order supply chains: case studies from Norwegian shipbuilding first tier suppliers. International Journal of Production Economics 240 108211. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2021.108211)
- Ali, M. H. et al., 2021. A sustainable Blockchain framework for the halal food supply chain: lessons from Malaysia. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 170 120870. (10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120870)
- Alkahtani, R. A. and Norton, S. D. 2021. Audit committees in financial institutions in Saudi Arabia: a dichotomy of perceptions of functional independence and the reporting of financial crime. Journal of Financial Crime 28 (4), pp.1065-1077. (10.1108/JFC-03-2021-0053)
- Almeida, A. , Machado, L. P. and Xu, C. 2021. Factors explaining length of stay: lessons to be learnt from Madeira Island. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 2 (1) 100014. (10.1016/j.annale.2021.100014)
- Almoraish, A. 2021. Customer experience in the business-to-business context, drivers, measures and consequences. PhD Thesis , University of Strathclyde.
- Aloi, M. , Dixon, H. and Savagar, A. 2021. Labor responses, regulation and business churn. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 53 (1), pp.119-156. (10.1111/jmcb.12694)
- Alonso, J. M. and Andrews, R. 2021. Privatization, power and place: the distributive politics of asylum dispersal in England. Regional Studies 55 (3), pp.508-520. (10.1080/00343404.2020.1800627)
- Alonso, J. M. and Andrews, R. 2021. Government-created nonprofit organizations and public service turnaround: evidence from a synthetic control approach. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 31 (2), pp.346-362. (10.1093/jopart/muaa035)
- Alqurashi, N. 2021. Lean higher education and its impact on employee working conditions and outcomes. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- An, J. , Jiang, M. and Xu, J. 2021. Professional norms and risk-taking of bank employees: do expectations of peers’ risk preferences matter?. Journal of Financial Stability 56 100938. (10.1016/j.jfs.2021.100938)
- An, J. and Xu, J. 2021. International spillovers of corporate scandal: evidence from the Harvey Weinstein event. European Journal of Finance 27 (11), pp.1053-1072. (10.1080/1351847X.2021.1906729)
- An, S. and Meier, K. J. 2021. Gender and the effectiveness of leadership training: Results from a field experiment. Review of Public Personnel Administration 41 (4), pp.747-770. (10.1177/0734371X20932989)
- Andrews, L. 2021. COVID-19 and the narrative capacity of governments: the case of the UK. Presented at: PSA Annual International Conference 2021 Virtual 29-31 March 2021.
- Andrews, L. 2021. ‘Like any wartime government’: Covid-19, Churchillian imaginaries, English exceptionalism and the battle of Britishness.. In: Pettit, J. ed. Covid-19, the Second World War and the Idea of Britishness. British Identities Since 1707 Vol. 4.Peter Lang. , pp.89-118.
- Andrews, L. 2021. Mortality, blame avoidance and the state: constructing Boris Johnson’s exit strategy. In: Price, S. and Harbisher, B. eds. Media, and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Framing Public Discourse. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. , pp.220-234. (10.4324/9781003147299-16)
- Andrews, L. 2021. Reluctant Europeans - the BBC and European media policymaking 1992-1997. International Journal of Cultural Policy 27 (4), pp.513-527. (10.1080/10286632.2020.1802439)
- Andrews, L. 2021. The forward march of devolution halted. Presented at: PSA Annual International Conference 2021 Virtual 29-31 March 2021.
- Andrews, L. 2021. The forward march of devolution halted and the limits of progressive unionism. Political Quarterly 92 (3), pp.512-521. (10.1111/1467-923X.13044)
- Andrews, R. et al. 2021. The motivations for the adoption of management innovation by local governments and its performance effects. Public Administration Review 81 (4), pp.625-637. (10.1111/puar.13375)
- Andrews, R. and Dollery, B. 2021. Guest editors' introduction: the impact of ageing and demographic change on local government. Local Government Studies 47 (3), pp.355-363. (10.1080/03003930.2021.1906231)
- Andrews, R. , Hansen, J. R. and Huxley, K. 2021. Senior public managers’ organizational commitment: Do private sector experience and tenure make a difference?. International Public Management Journal 24 (6), pp.911-942. (10.1080/10967494.2019.1580231)
- Angell, R. et al., 2021. Configuring perceived fit to mitigate consumer animosity in the context of cross-border sport sponsorships. European Sport Management Quarterly 21 (4), pp.605-624. (10.1080/16184742.2020.1765828)
- Angell, R. et al. 2021. The animosity transfer process: consumer denegration of foreign sponsors and testing potential mitigation strategies. International Marketing Review 38 (6), pp.1308-1330. (10.1108/IMR-01-2021-0006)
- Ansari, I. F. , Goergen, M. and Mira, S. 2021. Earnings management around founder CEO re-appointments and successions in family firms. European Financial Management 27 (5), pp.925-958. (10.1111/eufm.12307)
- Antinyan, A. et al. 2021. Does the frequency of reminders matter for their effectiveness? A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 191 , pp.752-764. (10.1016/j.jebo.2021.09.023)
- Antinyan, A. et al. 2021. Political narratives and the US partisan gender gap. Frontiers in Psychology 12 675684. (10.3389/fpsyg.2021.675684)
- Antinyan, A. et al. 2021. Trust in the health system and COVID-19 treatment. Frontiers in Psychology 12 643758. (10.3389/fpsyg.2021.643758)
- Antinyan, A. , Bertoni, M. and Corazzini, L. 2021. Cervical cancer screening invitations in low and middle income countries: Evidence from Armenia. Social Science & Medicine 273 113739. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.113739)
- Aranea, M. , González Begega, S. and Köhler, H. 2021. The European Works Council as a management tool to divide and conquer: corporate whipsawing in the steel sector. Economic and Industrial Democracy 42 (3), pp.873-891. (10.1177/0143831X18816796)
- Aranea, M. , Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2021. What do European Employers` Organisations do?. Working paper. Hans Böckler Foundation. Available at: https://www.boeckler.de/en/faust-detail.htm?sync_id=HBS-008113.
- Arvanitopoulos, T. , Monastiriotis, V. and Panagiotidis, T. 2021. Drivers of convergence: The role of first- and second-nature geography. Urban Studies 58 (14), pp.2880-2900. (10.1177/0042098020981361)
- Asante, R. et al., 2021. Roles and actions of managers in circular supply chain implementation: a resource orchestration perspective. Sustainable Production and Consumption 30 , pp.64-76. (10.1016/j.spc.2021.11.028)
- Ascui, F. et al., 2021. Moral hazard and the market-based method: Does using REAs affect corporate emissions performance?. Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1) 15686. (10.5465/AMBPP.2021.15686abstract)
- Azacis, H. and Collie, D. 2021. A general model of international tax competition with applications.
- Azacis, H. and Vida, P. 2021. Fighting collusion: an implementation theory approach.
- Baafi, F. et al. 2021. Leadership and innovative work behaviour within Ghanaian metropolitan assemblies: mediating role of resource supply. International Journal of Public Sector Management 34 (7), pp.765-782. (10.1108/IJPSM-01-2021-0005)
- Babai, M. Z. et al., 2021. A compound-Poisson Bayesian approach for spare parts inventory forecasting. International Journal of Production Economics 232 107954. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2020.107954)
- Baker, R. and Scarf, P. 2021. Modifying Bradley-Terry and other ranking models to allow ties. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 32 (4), pp.451-463. (10.1093/imaman/dpaa027)
- Bechter, B. et al., 2021. Opening the black box: actors and interactions shaping European sectoral social dialogue. European Journal of Industrial Relations 27 (3), pp.269-288. (10.1177/09596801211000012)
- Bennett, S. T. , Hammer, N. and Jenkins, J. 2021. Rights without remedy: the disconnection of labour across multiple scales and domains. Work in the Global Economy 1 (1-2), pp.75-93. (10.1332/273241721X16286068772666)
- Beresford, A. , Banomyong, R. and Pettit, S. 2021. A critical review of a holistic model used for assessing multimodal transport system. Logistics 5 (1) 11. (10.3390/logistics5010011)
- Beresford, A. and Pettit, S. 2021. Humanitarian aid logistics: a Cardiff University research perspective on cases, structures and prospects. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management 11 (4), pp.623-638. (10.1108/JHLSCM-06-2021-0052)
- Beynon, M. et al. 2021. How institutions matter in the context of business exit: a country comparison using GEM data and fsQCA. British Journal of Management 32 (3), pp.832-851. (10.1111/1467-8551.12438)
- Beynon, M. , Jones, P. and Pickernell, D. 2021. Innovation and the knowledge-base for entrepreneurship: investigating SME innovation across European regions using fsQCA. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 32 (3-4), pp.227-248. (10.1080/08985626.2021.1872936)
- Beynon, M. , Munday, M. and Roche, N. 2021. ICT resources and use: examining differences in pathways to improved small firm performance. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research 27 (7), pp.1798-1818. (10.1108/IJEBR-12-2020-0847)
- Beynon-Davies, P. 2021. Business analysis and design: understanding innovation in organisation. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Beynon-Davies, P. 2021. Data and society. Singapore: World Scientific Press. (10.1142/12287)
- Bhasin, S. and Found, P. 2021. Sustaining a lean ideology. Management Decision 59 (3)(10.1108/MD-09-2019-1254)
- Bille, A. , Lotfi, M. and Wieland, A. 2021. Irresponsibility in supply chains during the COVID- 19 pandemic: a panarchical interpretation. Presented at: 28th EurOMA Conference 2021 Virtual 5-7 July 2021.
- Bohn, S. et al., 2021. Hostile frame takeover: co-opting the security frame in the German nuclear energy debate. Presented at: Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2021 Chicago, USA August 2021. 1 Vol. 16557. (10.5465/AMBPP.2021.198)
- Boons, F. et al., 2021. Disrupting transitions: qualitatively modelling the impact of Covid-19 on UK food and mobility provision. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 40 , pp.1-19. (10.1016/j.eist.2021.04.003)
- Bosangit, C. et al. 2021. Reframing circular economy as a marketing priority: emphasising the role of consumers. Presented at: 2021 Academy of Marketing Annual Conference Virtual 5-7 July 2021.
- Bottazzi, R. , Trucchi, S. and Wakefield, M. 2021. Labour supply responses to financial wealth shocks: evidence from Italy. Fiscal Studies 42 (2), pp.291-317. (10.1111/1475-5890.12254)
- Bouslah, K. , Li, Q. and Mobarek, A. 2021. What drives the social performance of microfinance institutions? The role of gender board diversity. Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1) 13849. (10.5465/AMBPP.2021.13849abstract)
- Bowen, K. et al., 2021. Connecting communities: Building relationships. Summary document. Project Report.[Online].Wales Centre for Public Policy. Available at: https://fundingawards.nihr.ac.uk/award/NIHR132734.
- Bowen, R. 2021. Cultivating coffee experiences in the Eje Cafetero, Colombia. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 15 (3), pp.328-339. (10.1108/ijcthr-08-2020-0184)
- Bowen, R. 2021. Cultural representation by local food microenterprises. In: Morais, D. B. ed. Tourism Microentrepreneurship: Volume 12. Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice Emerald Publishing Limited. , pp.135-148. (10.1108/s2042-144320210000012011)
- Bowen, R. , Fiorentino, S. and Oliveira, E. 2021. Editorial Regions in Transition I: Sustainability challenges and opportunities in cities and regions. Regions (10.1080/13673882.2021.00001086)
- Boylan, J. E. and Syntetos, A. 2021. Intermittent demand forcasting: Context, methods and applications. Wiley.
- Boyns, T. 2021. Depreciation during the second industrial revolution: the British cycle and motor vehicle industries, c.1896-c.1922. Accounting History Review 31 (1), pp.73-112. (10.1080/21552851.2021.1922123)
- Boyns, T. 2021. Organizational change, budgetary control and success and failure in Formula 1: Rubery Owen and British Racing Motors, 1947-1977. Management and Organizational History 16 (3-4), pp.204-227. (10.1080/17449359.2022.2027643)
- Brown, S. et al., 2021. Life satisfaction and austerity: expectations and the macroeconomy. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 95 101780. (10.1016/j.socec.2021.101780)
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- Cai, W. , Polzin, F. and Stam, E. 2021. Crowdfunding and social capital: a systematic review using a dynamic perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 162 120412. (10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120412)
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- Chatterjee, P. and Zhou, B. 2021. Sponsored content advertising in a two-sided market. Management Science 67 (12), pp.7560-7574. (10.1287/mnsc.2020.3873)
- Cheema, A. 2021. Essays on behavioural finance: Effects of salience and sleep deprivation on asset pricing. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Chen, C. , Demir, E. and Huang, Y. 2021. An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and delivery robots. European Journal of Operational Research 294 (3), pp.1164-1180. (10.1016/j.ejor.2021.02.027)
- Chen, C. et al., 2021. The adoption of self-driving delivery robots in last mile logistics. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 146 102214. (10.1016/j.tre.2020.102214)
- Chen, G. et al. 2021. Computable general equilibrium models of trade in the modern trade policy debate. Open Economies Review 33 , pp.171-309. (10.1007/s11079-021-09631-9)
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- Colmekcioglu, N. 2021. Paper development workshop. Presented at: 4th Advances in Management and Innovation Conference (AMI 2020) Virtual 20-21 May 2021.
- Colmekcioglu, N. and Okumus, F. 2021. Meet the editors - 2. Presented at: 5th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy & Policy 2021 Newcastle, England 8-10 September 2021. Published in: Colmekcioglu, ed.
- Cook, R. 2021. An investigation into why wellbeing initiatives have varied in their effectiveness at improving employee wellbeing. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Costa Nobrega, J. H. et al., 2021. Logistics 4.0 in Brazil: Critical analysis and relationships with SDG 9 targets. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 13 (23) 13012. (10.3390/su132313012)
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- Dermody, J. et al., 2021. Critiquing a utopian idea of sustainable consumption: a post-capitalism perspective. Journal of Macromarketing 41 (4), pp.626-645. (10.1177/0276146720979148)
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