2020 publications
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- Grigera, J. and Zorzoli, L. eds. 2020. The Argentinian dictatorship and its legacy: rethinking the proceso. Studies of the Americas Palgrave Macmillan.
- Edwards, J. R. and Walker, S. P. eds. 2020. The Routledge companion to accounting history. second edition. Routledge Companions Abingdon: Routledge. (10.4324/9781351238885)
- Abbiati, L. , Antinyan, A. and Corazzini, L. 2020. A survey experiment on information, taxpayer preferences, and perceived adequacy of the tax burden. Heliyon 6 (3) e03576. (10.1016/J.HELIYON.2020.E03576)
- Adamopoulou, E. and Kaya, E. 2020. Not just a work permit: EU citizenship and the consumption behavior of documented and undocumented immigrants. Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue Canadienne d'Économique 53 (4), pp.1552-1598. (10.1111/caje.12479)
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- Agag, G. and Colmekcioglu, N. 2020. Understanding guests' behavior to visit green hotels: The role of ethical ideology and religiosity. International Journal of Hospitality Management 91 102679. (10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102679)
- Agag, G. M. et al., 2020. Converting hotels website visitors into buyers: How online hotel web assurance seals services decrease consumers? concerns and increase online booking intentions. Information, Technology and People 33 (1), pp.129-159. (10.1108/ITP-12-2017-0446)
- Ahmad, N. , Knight, H. and Butt, I. 2020. A citation-based systematic literature review on ECSRS education in MENA region countries.. In: El-Bassiouny, N. et al., Ethics, CSR and Sustainability (ECSRS) Education in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region. London: Routledge. , pp.8-33. (10.4324/9781003022763)
- Ahmed, F. et al., 2020. Key indicators for appraising adolescent sexual and reproductive health in South Asia: international expert consensus exercise using the Delphi technique. Global Health Action 13 (1) 1830555. (10.1080/16549716.2020.1830555)
- Alderman, J. et al., 2020. Mending the gap between CSR precedence and the UN SDG targets: Natural resources use, emissions, and firm performance. Presented at: American Accounting Association Annual Meeting Virtual 7-13 August 2020. (https://doi.org/10.26226/morressier.5f0c7d3058e581e69b05d06d)
- Alemu, M. H. et al., 2020. Developing the e‐commerce sector for the fishery industry: What business are we really in?. Managerial and Decision Economics 41 (2), pp.274-290. (10.1002/mde.3089)
- Alolo, M. , Azevedo, A. and El Kalak, I. 2020. The effect of the feed-in-system policy on renewable energy investments: evidence from the EU countries. Energy Economics 92 104998. (10.1016/j.eneco.2020.104998)
- Alonso, J. M. and Andrews, R. 2020. Political ideology and social services contracting: evidence from a regression discontinuity design. Public Administration Review 80 (5), pp.743-754. (10.1111/puar.13177)
- Alotaibi, N. M. et al., 2020. Preventive replacement with defaulting. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 31 (4), pp.491-504. (10.1093/imaman/dpaa002)
- Amirkhanyan, A. A. et al., 2020. Learning on the job: The impact of job tenure and management strategies on nursing home performance. Administration and Society 52 (4), pp.593-630. (10.1177/0095399719874755)
- An, S. et al., 2020. Leadership and job satisfaction: addressing endogeneity with panel data from a field experiment. Review of Public Personnel Administration 40 (4), pp.589-612. (10.1177/0734371X19839180)
- Andrews, L. 2020. Brexit, Cabinet norms and the ministerial code: are we living in a post-Nolan era?. Political Quarterly 91 (1), pp.125-133. Volume91, Issue1 January–March 2020 Pages 125-133. (10.1111/1467-923X.12778)
- Andrews, L. 2020. Facebook regulation: a process not a text. Presented at: PSA Annual International Conference 2020: Re-imagining Politics Edinburgh, Scotland 06-08 April, 2020.
- Andrews, L. 2020. Facebook regulation: a process not a text.
- Andrews, L. 2020. Political leadership, discursive capacity and governance readiness in the age of Big Data.. Presented at: 5th PUPOL Conference 2020 The Hague, Netherlands 15-16 October 2020.
- Andrews, L. 2020. The BBC - Britishness, broadcasting, and the culture wars. In: Mair, J. ed. The BBC - A Winter of Discontent. Bite-Sized Books. , pp.47-53.
- Andrews, L. 2020. The role of Ministerial leadership - some reflections from Wales. In: Harris, A. and Jones, M. eds. Leading and Transforming Education Systems: Evidence, Insights, Critique and Reflections. Springer. , pp.91-104.
- Andrews, L. and Iosifidis, P. 2020. Regulating the Internet intermediaries in a post-truth world: Beyond media policy?. International Communication Gazette 82 (3), pp.211-230. (10.1177/1748048519828595)
- Andrews, R. et al. 2020. Corporatization in the public sector: explaining the growth of local government companies. Public Administration Review 80 (3), pp.482-493. (10.1111/puar.13052)
- Antinyan, A. , Corazzini, L. and Pavesi, F. 2020. Does trust in the government matter for whistleblowing on tax evaders? survey and experimental evidence. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 171 , pp.77-95. (10.1016/j.jebo.2020.01.014)
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- Arvanitopoulos, T. and Agnolucci, P. 2020. The long-term effect of renewable electricity on employment in the United Kingdom. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 134 (10.1016/j.rser.2020.110322)
- Atkins, J. and Maroun, W. 2020. The Naturalist's Journals of Gilbert White: exploring the roots of accounting for biodiversity and extinction accounting. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal 33 (8), pp.1835-1870. (10.1108/AAAJ-03-2016-2450)
- Azacis, H. 2020. Information disclosure by a seller in sequential first-price auctions. International Journal of Game Theory 49 , pp.411-444. (10.1007/s00182-020-00710-8)
- Azacis, H. 2020. Repeated implementation with overlapping generations of agents. Social Choice and Welfare 55 , pp.275-299. (10.1007/s00355-020-01240-8)
- Azacis, H. and Collie, D. R. 2020. The non-equivalence of import tariffs and export taxes in trade wars: Ad Valorem vs specific trade taxes.
- Baden, D. , Peattie, K. and Oke, A. 2020. Access over ownership: case studies of libraries of things. Sustainability 12 (17) 7180. (10.3390/su12177180)
- Batista Martins, V. W. et al., 2020. Brazilian logistics practitioners’ perceptions on sustainability: an exploratory study. International Journal of Logistics Management, The 32 (1), pp.190-213. (10.1108/IJLM-02-2020-0091)
- Bell, E. and Willmott, H. 2020. Ethics, politics and embodied imagination in crafting scientific knowledge. Human Relations 73 (10), pp.1366-1387. (10.1177/0018726719876687)
- Benamraoui, A. et al., 2020. An empirical investigation of the regulatory and non-regulatory challenges of UK Islamic retail banking. Journal of Islamic Business Management 10 (2), pp.303-322. (10.26501/jibm/2020.1002-002)
- Beynon, M. , Jones, P. and Pickernell, D. 2020. SME development strategy and product/service innovation intention: a NCaRBS analysis of the role of uncertainty. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 21 (1), pp.3-16. (10.1177/1465750318807401)
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- Bottazzi, R. , Trucchi, S. and Wakefield, M. 2020. Consumption responses to a large shock to financial wealth: evidence from Italy. Scandinavian Journal of Economics 122 (2)(10.1111/sjoe.12339)
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- Bowen, R. 2020. Motives to SME internationalisation: a comparative study of export propensity among food and drink SMEs in Wales and Brittany. Cross Cultural {&} Strategic Management 27 (1), pp.51-74. (10.1108/CCSM-08-2018-0125)
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- Brooke, C. , Galazka, A. and Spencer-Veale, D. 2020. Leg Clubs and the coronavirus: Keeping a community feel in times of physical distancing. British Journal of Community Nursing 34 (4), pp.69-70.
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- Buchanan, J. et al., 2020. Enabling renewal: further education and building better citizenship, occupations and business communities in Wales. Project Report.ColegauCyrmu/CollegesWales.
- Burrow, R. and Williams, R. 2020. Stressed, depressed and exhausted: Six years as a teacher in UK state education. Work, Employment and Society 34 (5), pp.949-958. (10.1177/0950017020903040)
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- Collie, D. R. 2020. Maximum-Revenue Tariffs versus Free Trade. Scottish Journal of Political Economy 67 (4), pp.442-447. (10.1111/sjpe.12245)
- Corazzini, L. , Cotton, C. and Reggiani, T. 2020. Delegation and coordination with multiple threshold public goods: experimental evidence. Experimental Economics 23 (4), pp.1030-1068. (10.1007/s10683-019-09639-6)
- Crawley, A. , Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. 2020. Selling the region: The problems of a multi-agency approach in promoting regional economies. Regional Science Policy and Practice 12 (3), pp.397-412. (10.1111/rsp3.12268)
- Cullen, U. and De Angelis, R. 2020. Cornish wasted apples: a case study of a circular business model.. Presented at: 34th Annual British Academy of Management Conference (BAM 2020) Virtual - Manchester, England 2-4 September 2020.
- Cutcher, L. et al., 2020. Reflections on reflexive theorizing: the need for a little more conversation. Organization Theory 1 (3)(10.1177/2631787720944183)
- da Costa, A. et al., 2020. Impacts of COVID-19 on Organizations. Revista de Administração de Empresas 60 (6), pp.385-387. (10.1590/S0034-759020200602)
- Dai, L. and Zhou, P. 2020. The health issues of the homeless and the homeless issues of the ill-health. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 69 100677. (10.1016/j.seps.2018.12.004)
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- Davlembayeva, D. , Papagiannidis, S. and Alamanos, E. 2020. Mapping the economics, social and technological attributes of the sharing economy. Information Technology & People 33 (3), pp.841-872. (10.1108/itp-02-2018-0085)
- Davlembayeva, D. , Papagiannidis, S. and Alamanos, E. 2020. Reciprocity and commitment in the sharing economy. Presented at: 49th Annual EMCA Conference Budapest 26-29 May 2020. Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy.
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