Taff Cola: Student shares journey behind award-winning start-up soft drinks business

Meet Calvin Bang, a Cardiff Business School student who has set up a new socially responsible soft drinks business called Taff Cola.
Congratulations to Calvin for winning the Innovative Development Award at Cardiff University's Start-up Awards 2024. He won a £3000 prize to help grow his business. As part of the competition process, he pitched his idea to a panel of business experts.
Calvin was also a finalist in the UK Start-Up Awards for Young Entrepreneur of the Year.
We spoke to Calvin to find out more…
Tell us about Taff Cola Limited
Taff Cola is an exciting new soft drink that's both socially responsible and delicious. With its focus on local ingredients and lower calories, Taff Cola offers a unique market opportunity with an emphasis on embracing Welsh heritage.
I registered Taff Cola Limited on 23 February 2024, but the idea for it began way back in December of last year. I started working on a basic recipe early this year and after nearly 5 months of rigorous testing with the help of Zero2Five (funded by the Welsh Government), I came up with a delicious tasting recipe with 0 calories, 0 sugars, and 0 artificial chemicals.
What inspired you to set up this company?
I want to democratise the Welsh soft drinks industry by setting an example with honesty and transparency. I also want to give something back to the community since I was born and bred in Wales and love this country so much.
How does it feel to win the award?
It feels amazing. Winning has not only touched my life but those around me from family and friends to my amazing partner who always believed in me from the beginning. So in a sense, it wasn't just an award about me but her continuous love and emotional support.
Have you received any support from Cardiff University with setting up Taff Cola?
Yes, I have received a lot of help from the Enterprise and Start-Up team within Student Futures, especially with Prithpal Biant as my business advisor. Also, Alice Walden introduced me to the sbarc|spark centre and they will provide me with free office space for 6 months! Dr Mark Goode, a teacher from my business course also gave me a few tips.
Cardiff Business School has a public value ethos and Taff Cola seems to hold these types of values too. Did the public value elements of your course influence your decision to set up a business with similar values?
Cardiff Business School certainly nudged me in the same direction but I have always held a strong belief in public values (due to my background) as I believe Taff Cola is a social enterprise that will hopefully benefit the local community one day. I was quite lucky my public values align with Cardiff Business School!
What advice do you have for students who may be considering setting up their own business?
I think with everything in life it always starts with the "why". If you are merely trying to make money with no consideration for social impact then I will tell them to forget it but if they truly believe they are trying to do something for the community and have the guts to do it (because it's going to get really hard some days!) then go for it! Success comes not from how much you can take from society but from how much you can give to it.
What are your next steps for Taff Cola Limited?
I will be working with Zero2Five under Food Innovation Wales to do the theoretical testing for the Taff Cola recipe to ensure we meet the highest safety standards. After that, we will try to find a factory to start mass production! I plan to start supplying The Taf at Cardiff Students’ Union because what other place has a more fitting name to serve Taff Cola?

Find out more about Taff Cola by following our social media channels:
- Instagram: @taffcola
- TikTok: @taffcola
- LinkedIn: Taff Cola Limited
Support to start a business
Student Futures at Cardiff University supports students and alumni up to three years after graduating to start something new. Whether it’s a start-up business, freelance career, or community project, we offer tailored support which combines expert business mentoring with in-depth training and access to seed funding and desk space.