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My postgraduate experience at Cardiff Business School – meet Haleema


Haleema Sadia, an international student from Pakistan, shares her experience of studying Strategic Marketing (MSc) at Cardiff Business School…

How Cardiff Business School has supported me

Cardiff Business School has provided invaluable support through dedicated faculty guidance, practical workshops, and industry insights, fostering an environment conducive to personal and professional growth. Making the most of career mentors and work experience opportunities has enabled me to implement theoretical learning to the practical world.

Living in Cardiff

Living in Cardiff has been a delightful experience, it’s walkable and super student-friendly, it has a vibrant cultural scene and a welcoming community. Exploring the city's diverse neighbourhoods and scenic beauty has been truly enriching.

Why I chose Cardiff University for my degree

I chose Cardiff University for its renowned Strategic Marketing (MSc) programme, known for its practical approach and industry relevance, offering the perfect blend of academic rigour and real-world application.

What I’ve enjoyed most about my degree so far

I've enjoyed the hands-on learning experience, especially the opportunities to collaborate with local businesses, applying theoretical knowledge to real-life marketing challenges and witnessing tangible results.

Skills developed that will help me in my future career

The skills I've honed, including strategic thinking, market analysis, marketing research, team working, effective communication, and many others, have polished and empowered me to navigate the complexities of the marketing landscape, driving innovation and achieving measurable results in my future career endeavours.

Why I would recommend Strategic Marketing (MSc)

I highly recommend the MSc Strategic Marketing programme at Cardiff for its exceptional blend of academic excellence, practical application, and supportive learning environment, equipping students with the skills needed to thrive in the dynamic field of marketing.

To summarise my Cardiff experience

My Cardiff experience has been transformative, equipping me with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to pursue my passion for marketing with purpose and impact.

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