17 February 2014
Terrestrial activity of Bornean orangutans highlights a conservation threat
14 February 2014
Modelling the neurodegenerative disease ALS to aid translational studies
International funding will help scientists develop a much clearer understanding of the threats faced by UK otters.
7 February 2014
MRC Consortium for Medical Microbial Bioinformatics (CMMB) initiative unveiled.
30 January 2014
Effect of climate change on soil creatures could upset the earth’s ability to absorb carbon.
29 January 2014
Professor John Harwood recognised for his world-leading biotechnology research.
22 January 2014
Online films show the work of Cardiff University Otter Project.
17 January 2014
MRC Professor Ole Petersen recognised for fundamental research contributions.
19 December 2013
Wildlife health laboratory opening
22 November 2013
Centre recognized for contribution to the conservation effort of most valued areas of natural beauty