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Hadyn Ellis Building, Cardiff

New opportunity: Institute Director

28 June 2017

We are recruiting a Director to lead the European Cancer Stem Cell Research Institute through the next stages of its development and beyond.

Bacterial TB

Treating antibiotic-resistant TB

23 June 2017

Bacteria from cystic fibrosis patient could help fight antibiotic-resistant TB.

Microscope and slides

The link between HPV and skin cancer

21 June 2017

Collaborative research project sheds new light on the relationship between the Human Papillomavirus and skin cancer.

Young boy with ADHD

Identifying early infant markers of ADHD

9 June 2017

Could maternal factors contribute to infant behavioural changes and the development of ADHD?

Senedd Building

Science and the Assembly

7 June 2017

Cardiff exhibits at annual science and technology event

Wooden painted sign for Danau Girang Field Centre

Borneo Jungle Diaries

2 June 2017

New series showcases the Danau Girang Field Centre and the scientists trying to safeguard the wildlife of Borneo.

Arctic Charr

Parasites as indicators of multiple stressors in freshwater ecosystems

15 May 2017

New research aims to increase understanding of multiple stressor impacts on freshwater ecosystems.

Comparison heat map of plant cells

What makes plants grow?

11 May 2017

New research provides insight into the factors controlling cell growth in plants.

Dr Lee Parry in tissue culture lab

Cancer prognosis and the TEX19 gene

9 May 2017

The TEX19 gene could be used to help identify cancer at an earlier stage.

Professor Yves Barde 19

Fellow of Royal Society

8 May 2017

Cardiff University’s Professor Yves Barde elected Fellow of Royal Society