Field courses
Our range of field courses provide hands-on experience of modern biological techniques and practical in-field research skills.
Direct experience of animals, plants and microorganisms in their natural habitats is an important part of modern biology. We run a wide range of courses that enable you to experience practical in-field research techniques, including bird-ringing, small mammal trapping, pit fall trapping, microbial analysis and surveying for bats.
Students on our second-year Ecology and Conservation module can also choose from several specialised, project-based courses that run in a variety of locations throughout the world.

The Tropical Biodiversity Assessment Field Course in Sabah was the optional module I was most excited to study.For my project, I used GPS tracking to plot primate nesting sites at dawn and dusk. We got to see beautiful primates during the sensational sunrise and sunset each day.You get the opportunity to act as an independent researcher, and this really allows you to discover your true passion in field research. It’s a hugely enjoyable adventure and a unique experience.
The availability of our field courses is dependent on factors such as choice of degree programme, student demand and advice from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Residential field courses that take place outside of Cardiff incur additional costs, however, these are partially offset by contributions the School makes to the courses’ running costs
Find out more about our undergraduate Bioscience courses.