Centre for Low Carbon Built Environment

We research a range of projects pushing the whole building energy system approach forward, creating practical and impactful solutions with, and for, a wide range of stakeholders to inspire change at all scales.
Our research is driving forward an understanding of the significant carbon reductions associated with reduced energy demand, renewable energy supply and energy storage and providing evidence of the social benefits such as improved comfort, reduced fuel poverty and health improvements in working practices that help to support decision-making processes that will enable a high quality built environment.
Our research
LCBE research has inspired the Welsh Government’s £91m Innovative Housing Programme and £120m for the first three years of the Optimised Retrofit Programme. These are being used to develop the new and improved Welsh Housing Quality Standard 2023, which is currently being finalised by the Welsh Government.
The Energy Positive Solcer House inspired a step change in the implementation of whole house energy systems in social housing organisations and local authorities across Wales, such as the development of the Swansea Standard for newly built homes applied in 65 homes to date and more than 40 homes built by Wales and West Housing. LCBE case studies were used as good practice in the Better Homes, Better Wales, Better World reports and assisted as part of the publication of the Code of Practice for Electrical Energy Storage Systems (second edition) by IET (2020).
LCBE staff were part of the Decarbonisation of Homes in Wales Advisory Group, an independent group of experts established to advise on how to reduce carbon emissions in Welsh Homes by 2050. They provided evidence in 2022 and 2018 to the Welsh Government Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee Inquiry into Low Carbon Housing at the Senedd.
Funding has been secured from a range of UK and international sources including the Arts and Humanities Research Council, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Welsh Government, Registered Social Landlords based in Wales, Welsh Local Authorities, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), European Science Foundation and the Chinese Government.
Watch our video exploring how LCBE is delivering a low-carbon environment: