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Pavilion project’s Lottery boost

1 March 2017

One of Cardiff University’s five Flagship Engagement Projects, Community Gateway, has been successful in its bid for a £50,000 grant from the Big Lottery Fund

Dr Oriel Prizeman

Dr Oriel Prizeman visits Rakhigarhi with seedcorn funding

24 February 2017

Dr Oriel Prizeman won Cardiff University seedcorn funding to visit Rakhigarhi in Northern Haryana, India.

Journal of Building Performance Simulation

Building Performance Simulation and the User

24 February 2017

Special Issue in the Journal of Building Performance Simulation

Palermo, Sicily.

Workshop documents the Palermo of refugee children

21 February 2017

A collaborative design workshop led by the Welsh School of Architecture has documented the way refugee and migrant children see their current home of Palermo, Sicily.

article published in New Statesman

Zero-carbon homes: saving money as well as energy article published in New Statesman

14 February 2017

Dr Jo Patterson has had an article published in the New Statesman publication

25000 pencils

Cardiff University team create giant installation out of 25,000 pencils

8 February 2017

Staff and students from the Welsh School of Architecture showcase novel design structure in Barcelona

Building refurbishment at the Coal Exchange in Cardiff

Engagement through History – Cardiff Bay’s Coal Exchange

3 February 2017

Senior Lecturer Dr. Juliet Davis has contributed to media-based discussions around the significance and possible futures of Cardiff’s Coal and Shipping Exchange.

Llandaff Cathedral

Cathedral works

3 February 2017

Dr. Juliet Davis has joined the Parochial Church Council building fabric committee of Llandaff Cathedral, an important building in Wales constructed from the 12th century.

Children participating in STEM science experiment

STEM Ambassador information and training for staff and students

11 October 2016

Offering students and staff a chance to find out how becoming a STEM Ambassador can support you in engaging with young people in schools and broaden your engagement experience.

Save the date illustration

What's your Grangetown?

10 October 2016

An opportunity to meet Cardiff University’s Community Gateway team to find out more about our work in Grangetown.