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Supporting global community projects

Supporting global community projects

16 October 2017

Architecture students help to build a community school in Zambia


CAUKIN Studio builds for community in Fiji

12 October 2017

Students recognised for international work, with help from Merge Records and Caribou.

High-school children from across South Wales, setting out plans to set-up camp on Mars


1 October 2017

High-school children from across South Wales set out plans to set-up camp on Mars this week as part of Cardiff University’s annual STEMLive outreach event.

Will failing to build greener homes mean Wales misses emissions targets?

Will failing to build greener homes mean Wales misses emissions targets?

29 September 2017

Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee launches inquiry at SOLCER House

How architecture can shape palliative care

How architecture can shape palliative care

28 September 2017

March graduate Anne Bellamy writes about presenting her research at the Society of Social Sciences conference in Boston, USA

Dr Mhairi McVicar with Leadership Award

Leadership award winner

21 September 2017

Dr Mhairi McVicar successful in Leading Wales Awards

Top in the Russell Group for student satisfaction

Top in the Russell Group for student satisfaction

31 August 2017

Graduating students give their feedback in 2017 National Student Survey

Prof Lupton publication listed as RIBA’s “Book of the Month”

Prof Lupton publication listed as RIBA’s “Book of the Month”

18 August 2017

Professor Sarah Lupton’s “Guide to JCT Standard Building Contract 2016” has been highlighted on the RIBA website.

Community Gateway shortlisted for Professor Sir David Watson Award

Community Gateway shortlisted for Professor Sir David Watson Award

10 August 2017

Community Gateway has been shortlisted in a new international awards scheme

European flags

Major EU funding for energy-harvesting project

3 August 2017

Consortium involving Cardiff University academics will develop energy-harvesting façade to retrofit existing buildings as part of €6m Horizon 2020 project