Public Space and the Study of Urban Territories

The Urbanism research and scholarship group is hosting a guest lecture by Professor Andrea Mubi Brighenti to discuss public space and the study of urban territories.
Date: Thursday 7 December 2023, 12:30 - 13:30
Speaker: Professor Andrea Mubi Brighenti, University of Trento, Italy
In this lecture, Professor Brighenti seeks to introduce territoriology as a research approach and a sensitivity that can be applied to the study of public space. He explores the intersection between social theory, ethnography, human geography and design as helpful to study territorial productions in the making. Each territory is shaped by imaginational and figurational forces of social life as they get incorporated into a set of materials. Starting from this assumption, he would like to illustrate a few cases and possible applications in the field of urban studies.
Andrea Mubi Brighenti is Professor of Social Theory and Space & Culture at the Department of Sociology, University of Trento, Italy. Research topics cover broadly space-power-and-society issues. He has published as Author, (Bloomsbury, 2023) Elias Canetti and Social Theory. The Bond of Creation; (with Mattias Kärrholm) Animated Lands. Studies in Territoriology (University of Nebraska Press, 2020); Teoria Sociale. Un percorso introduttivo [Social Theory. An Introduction] (Meltemi, 2020), The Ambiguous Multiplicities: Materials, episteme and politics of some cluttered social formations (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), Visibility in Social Theory and Social Research (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010) and Territori migranti [Migrant Territories. Space and Control of Global Mobility] (ombre corte, 2009). His research website is
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