PgDip in Architecture: Professional Practice (RIBA/ARB Part 3)

This programme enables students to acquire an in-depth understanding of the legal and economic aspects of architectural practice and construction procurement along with the related skills necessary to practice effectively on entry into the architectural profession.
The Diploma in Professional Practice (DPP) is designed to be undertaken while in employment, and is offered on a fully distance learning or blended learning basis.
This qualification is prescribed by the Architects Registration Board (ARB) and is accredited by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) at Part 3 Level. The DPP has received excellent feedback from students, and commendations from three successive RIBA Visiting Boards including from July 2021, when it was commended for its ‘its synthesis of academic rigour and practice’.
It is run using a wide range of innovative and interactive teaching methods, designed to ensure all students maintain close links with the school and each other.
There will be a series of single and two day teaching events, plus regular lunch-time webinars, online workshops given by leading experts, and a weekly blog updating you on course events and current industry developments relevant to the course. Several of the day events are planned to be on campus (in our newly refurbished premises), and will be live streamed for the distance learning students.
These will be supplemented by discussion boards relating to specific topics, regular written feedback on your work, and individual and group on-line tutorials. Supporting course material will be available in the form of detailed course notes and pre-recorded video presentations.

The DPP at the WSA has given me the confidence to practice as an Architect. Now I have the knowledge of legal, procedural, and management matters relating to the practice of Architecture. It has certainly informed my day-to-day practice already! The blend of teaching methods including online seminars and workshops, face-to-face lectures, guest speakers, and weekly blog posts made the course engaging and kept us informed of current developments in the industry.
How to apply
For more information on course content, structure, fees and how to apply, please visit our PgDip in Architecture: Professional Practice course information page.
Key events
Here are the provisional dates for the key full day events for 24/25. Note that all on-campus events are live streamed for those enrolled on the distance learning option.
Full time (FT) students attend all events, Part Time (PT) attend as shown.
Course team
The course is directed by Professor Sarah Lupton. Key to the course are the two expert consultants (Manos Stellakis and Robert Firth), who are external to the school but have ongoing input, advising on strategic matters, delivering seminars and workshops, and providing feedback to students.
We also engage a team of tutors and all alumni of the course, to help with workshops and provide feedback. We invite many industry experts to give guest talks and seminars.
Course Director
Robert Firth BSc (Hons) BArch (Dist) MSc (Project Management), FRSA, FFB, RIBA (Partner, RDMF Consultancy, Expert Consultant, WSA).
Manos Stellakis BSc, DipArch, MSc (Econ) RIBA, (Partner, Lupton Stellakis architects, Expert Consultant, WSA).
Admissions support
Architecture Admissions
Our course is accredited by:
For more information on course content, structure, fees and how to apply, please visit our Coursefinder page.